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Band Styles
Add your personal touch with a unique band style...

Not sure which one is for you? Have a look at the different options below. Take your time to choose the correct one, because it will make a huge difference as to how the ring will look.

Stone Placement: Bands with or without stones looks equally as beautiful.

No Stones
Half Eternity
¾ Eternity - Between half way and full Advantage: if your ring moves you still see stones
Full Eternity

Band Setting Styles: The way the stones are set along the bands.

Pave Set
What is it:
Metal beads hold the stones inplace
Channel Set
What is it:
Two metal walls like a track hold the stones inplace.
Channel Set Pave
What is it:
Stones are set into a grove with metal beads holding them in place
Prong Set
What is it:
Metal wire prongs or claws hold the stones inplace. Each stone can have its own set or prongs or shape prongs link seen here.
Scallop Set
What is it:
U - shaped cut or scallop shape it cut out of the metal - best seen when viewed from the side.
Bezel Set
What is it:
A rim of solid metal surrounds each stone. Also called tube set
Bar Set
What is it:
A bar of metal sits on either side of the stone securing it in place.

Band Shape Styles: This is the overall shape of the band

Tapered / Pinched